The Psychology Fanlisting


Welcome to the fanlisting for the discipline of psychology - academic, applied or both. In brief, psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour, including brain processes.

Psychology has many fields (e.g. social, forensic, developmental) and it uses a wide range of methods to develop theories. Psychology is not another word for psychiatry or counselling. Though psychology is closely linked with psychiatry and counselling, it is not the same. For more info, see this page.

I was interested in psychology for several years before I decided to complete a degree in it. I think it encompasses so much and can be applied to so many aspects of our lives. I believed it would be a subject which would have application beyond academic interest, improving my understanding of society and myself, and I was not wrong. I also think that completing a psychology degree helped me to become an even more understanding/open-minded person and a better thinker than I was when I first began studying it.

This fanlisting is listed at The Fanlistings Network in the Academia category. If you don't know what a fanlisting is, please read this.


Last updatedAugust 03, 2024
Listed at TFLDecember 13, 2005
Originally openedBy Giselle
AdoptedJanuary 13, 2008
Member count469 listed (+0 awaiting addition)
Last added/editedMiranda

© 2008 Hazel. This fanlisting is a part of the Thought Dreams collective. See credits.